What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

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What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Hello to all,
8 years passed since we launch OS4Coding.net for all the AmigaOS 4 developers out there. The reason we build this website is to create a place where the developers could find information gathered and people to help them with their experience.

We would like to ask you what would you like to change/remove/add at the website. Please, give us you ideas and proposals on how to make this website even better.

There are a few ideas that we are working on:

  • There is going to be a new section called "Tutorials" where hand picked blog posts are going to be listed, for anyone to find in an easier way.
  • We are thinking to give you a way to sync your blog website, for anyone that might have one, with the blog posts here. This way as soon as you put an article at your own blog, this will be added here as well. Of' course, there will be something like check of the articles, before going online, to be sure that they are programming related. What do you think about that?
  • Change the way the blog post rating is working, and clean a few anonymous/self made ratings.

So, what you think? What else should we change?

Thank you all for your help and for using OS4Coding.net.

jabirulo's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Hi, the Tutorials and blogs idea sounds great. I vote +1 for those one.

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YesCop's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

As Jabirulo wrote, I agree with the idea of tutorials.

apsturk's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Yes this is a great idea!

kas1e's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Some more ideas :

-- Blogs button move after Forum button, as Forum there is more important than any blogs, so, to have logical way of things. Something like: Home, Forum. Tutorials, Blogs, Links, About us, Contatct Us, My Account.

-- Delete unused areas in the forum, such as:

1. AmiDARK Engine: that one wasn't ever finished, there was some almost ready version with lots of bugs, which authors wasn't in interest to fix, and so, its abandoned, and no one use it. So make no sense to hold it there.

2. AmyCygnix: that one cool and good piece of software, just programming over AmyCygnix all the same as programming over any other unix, so make not differences in terms of OS4. There is only moments about how link them , but its not fits to special subarea in forum.

3. QT Ports : that probabaly can be remove also, as there is also nothing aos4 specific. Also only moment about how install qt, and how link against qt librararies when do qt ports, also didn't fits in the subforum area and not much about QT programming itself.

While one can argue about amycygnix and qt areas, amidark one for sure can be deleted for good.

--- Delete at begining of every post link with words "Flag as offensive", its not needit imho, and only blur eyes when one want to read first post.

--- Add ability to post News (those ones at bottom, called "Latest News"), not only as it now (by admin), but by any registered user, but of course admin will moderate them still, and only allow those ones which fits and reject those ones which bad/ not fits / lame / wrong / etc.

Maybe also worth to check current worldwide coding forums, to see what else interesting they have and what we can made there too.

admin's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Thank you all for your comments.

  • Added the "Tutotrials" section of the site, which you can find at the top menu, which is also reordered?
  • Updated the rating system, so now the content creator and the anonymous users cannot vote
  • Removed the "Dark Engine" section from the forums. AmiCygnix and QT I prefer to keep them, in case people want to use them.
  • Moved "Flag offensive" link at the bottom of the post, instead of the beggining.

You requested a way to add News posts. There is a button at the end of the news list and a menu item under "My Account" at the top menu. I checked the permissions and seem everyone has access to post news. This doesn't work for you?

Do you know about the feature for adding your code and share it to other websites, as it has it's own unique code? Read more here.

OldFart's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


One of my pet peeves with regard to this site, is the section of blogs (and "news" likewise).

On the frontpage there is a rather small (5 items only!) list of entries visible as an excerpt, with a button below, labeled "more". So far so good. But now when one clicks that button the full detailed list of entries is presented, complete with part of the contents of every entry.

I feel there's something missing: a complete, scrollable list of entries in the same vain as the small list on the frontpage, but now utilising full screenheight. It makes navigating the entries in the list much easier.

B.t.w. same goes for news items.


OldFart's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


Something quite different: "where have all the flowers gone?" is a song written by Pete Seeger, but my question is little different "where have all the avatars gone?".

On a second note; how do I start a new thread in the list of forum topics? I was at a los, probably due to not having posted anything ther for more then 2 years...


kas1e's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Tutorials button at bottom (that one where Blogs, MostRated and Tutorias), when press on "Read more", bring not only tutotrials, but all the other stuff.

Also in the main tutorials section which at top now, some good ones missed:


Maybe they are there , but missing button "more" ?

But probabaly, it shouldn't be there just copy of how it looks like in the blog areas , it should be just some clean names of articles only, and links on them.

I mean when one press on tutorials, there no needs for avatars, and no needs for few phrases of begining, as it make all looks messy a bit. Instead there should be just list of articles, on which users can press and read. Without anything else: no avatars, no images, no first phrases of articles. Just names of them in a list , which can be later grouped/regrouped by sections (like GUI programming, Debugging, and co).

kas1e's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Also self-anonymouse rating still not cleaned. I mean we can go to any old article / post, and can see that those up/down in % still old ones. Probabaly everything should be 0% everywhere since now (when cleaning of it happens), so all will be good from that moment.

admin's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


"where have all the avatars gone?".

If I remember right, some avatars missed when we had I huge update of the website sometime ago. It would be great if you could upload it again.

On a second note; how do I start a new thread in the list of forum topics?

You have to visit "Forum" from the top menu, select the channel you want and there you will find a button "New topic". That way you can start a new topic for the forum.


Also in the main tutorials section which at top now, some good ones missed:

Fixed that.

Thank you again for your ideas and proposals. Everything is noted and we are going to develop as much of them as possible.

trixie's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


For some reason I'm no longer able to edit my signature. It tells me I don't have sufficient permissions to do it. Can you please have a look at that? Thanks!

AmigaOne X5000-020 / 2GB RAM / Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 560 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2

kas1e's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Last post in that topic are spam: http://os4coding.net/forum/comparison-always-true-due-limited-range-data-type

hypex's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

One thing that stands out for me would be the ability to access the autodocs within OS4Coding. Sometimes I'm browsing the web on a non-OS4 machine and I come across someone asking about something and I know I can offer assistance. But, I don't have the SDK autodocs within reach. And it would be good to come here, at OS4Coding, and look it up. Even when cross compiling having an online reference would be handy. Naturally such a feature would be based on the latest SDK. :-)

admin's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Thank you for this idea. I will investigate if we can host those files and if there is no problem, we are going to bring them in.

Update: Have you seen the https://wiki.amigaos.net/wiki/Autodocs:Main. Is this enough for what you need?

hypex's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


Thanks for the positive feedback. I was reading that wiki the other night and the server seemed slow. That's a good start for a base but on the wiki it is just a bunch of text files. It would be good to have something similar organised where it is searchable and has links to all functions. I wonder if the SDKBrowser can be made into a web app? We already had similar databases on the NDK CD.

admin's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

I see. I will investigate first if I am allowed to host that files. Then I need to do a parser and create something like an online Autodoc browser... Interesting project :D

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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


Sometimes I'm browsing the web on a non-OS4 machine and I come across someone asking about something and I know I can offer assistance. But, I don't have the SDK autodocs within reach

I have considered porting the SDK Browser to other platforms (Windows/Linux/Mac) for exactly this reason.
If I did offer AmigaOS4, Windows, Linux and macOS versions of the SDK Browser as a single commercial
package (one purchase price gives you access to the software on all platforms), would you support it?

Best Regards,

Jamie Krueger
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC

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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


I wonder if the SDKBrowser can be made into a web app?

It is possible to make a Web App version of the SDK Browser, however it would require
access to the entire AmigaOS4 SDK (located on the server), which has been formatted
into a database for faster data retrieval with less CPU overhead on the server itself.
(First you would need permission to host an open copy of the SDK from Hyperion)


On the flip side from browsing the SDK itself online, with a Web App version of the
SDK Browser, in reference to making OS4 Coding a better resource, I would like to
incorporate direct interaction to example code and discussions (possibly even
user posting) *from* the SDK Browser/AVD Suite software without the use of a
web browser.

In order to do this, I would need some form a web API to interact with.
Starting simply, if there was a direct URL to pull to blocks of XML formatted content
from the OS4 Coding site, I could add the code to pull it from the network
and format it within the SDK Browser or other component of AVD.

I am open to discuss extending the AVD Suite to inter-connect with OS4 Coding
(via a back-end access API) for the purpose of providing the user an online
resource for example code and discussion with other developers.

Please contact me directly if you are interested in this idea.

Best Regards,

Jamie Krueger
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC

hypex's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


Sorry I thought I had replied. Don't visit here as often as I used too. I would consider supporting a cross SDK Browser. What do you propose here? I'd be happy with a one off purchase price. If a bunch of us interested did this I don't see why we couldn't microfinance this all together.

kas1e's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

The last thread in the topics called "How to set an absolute load and start address for binary? " , cause website error when press on it, and nothing else is shown. Just error.

trixie's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

@Jamie Krueger

I am open to discuss extending the AVD Suite to inter-connect with OS4 Coding
(via a back-end access API)

Such an extension sound interesting, but I think most of us would be happier if you brought the AVD Suite to a release-ready state and offered it for sale so that we can finally start using it :-)

AmigaOne X5000-020 / 2GB RAM / Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 560 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2

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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


I would consider supporting a cross SDK Browser. What do you propose here? I'd be happy with a one off purchase price. If a bunch of us interested did this I don't see why we couldn't microfinance this all together.

For now I am just looking to find out if people would use some of the AVD tools, like the SDK Browser on other platforms (Windows/Linux/Mac), in their programming efforts for AmigaOS4.

If I was to come out with a cross-platform port of the SDK Browser, it would likely be sold through Amiga On The Lake (AOTL) as part of the commercial version of the SDK Browser 3.0 [Standalone version], where a single purchase price would get you the SDK Browser program for AmigaOS4, Windows, Linux and MacOS X. I prefer to license my software *per developer* as opposed to *per machine*; so one developer can run all versions of the software on as many machines as needed, and would not have to buy separate copies just to run the software on more than one machine at the same time.

Equally, any cross platform AVD tools (and there will be some), will all be included with the single purchase of the AVD Suite.

Best Regards,

Jamie Krueger
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


Such an extension sound interesting, but I think most of us would be happier if you brought the AVD Suite to a release-ready state and offered it for sale so that we can finally start using it :-)

:-) Of course, and that is the top priority.

The newest AVD component, the AVD Text Editor, is currently released to Beta Testers, and updated versions of the SDK Browser and GUI Builder will soon be distributed to beta testers as well. The current state of the AVD Suite will be demonstrated publicly next month at Amiga On The Lake's Amiga Get Together event see: AOTL Amiga Get Together

Trixie, shouldn't you be signed up on the AVD Beta Tester list? ;-)

Best Regards,

Jamie Krueger
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC

trixie's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

@Jamie Krueger

updated versions of the SDK Browser and GUI Builder will soon be distributed to beta testers as well.

Great to hear that! My wallet's at the ready :-)

shouldn't you be signed up on the AVD Beta Tester list?

I didn't know there was a list :-)

AmigaOne X5000-020 / 2GB RAM / Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 560 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2

salass00's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


For now I am just looking to find out if people would use some of the AVD tools, like the SDK Browser on other platforms (Windows/Linux/Mac), in their programming efforts for AmigaOS4.

I would also be interested in this as I do most of my coding on Ubuntu on my PC.

Sbaitso's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

For anyone who may have missed them, the videos from the 2016 and 2018 DevCon's at AmiWest have been posted in the new video tutorials section here.

The videos from the 2017 DevCon will hopefully be available at a later date and be posted at that time.

trixie's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


The newest AVD component, the AVD Text Editor, is currently released to Beta Testers, and updated versions of the SDK Browser and GUI Builder will soon be distributed to beta testers as well.

OK, I've bought the AVD "Early Adopters" suite from AOTL; now show me what you're made of :-D

AmigaOne X5000-020 / 2GB RAM / Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 560 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?


OK, I've bought the AVD "Early Adopters" suite from AOTL; now show me what you're made of :-D

I am working every day to bring AVD to you. The newest AVD Text Editor beta release is imminent. I have worked out most of the multi-file handling issues and am currently working to synchronize the user interface with the internal state of the file objects.

Stay tuned. :-)

Best Regards,

Jamie Krueger
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC

Hans's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Add the ability to edit posts. Right now only the first post in a thread is editable.


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admin's picture
Last seen: 2 days 2 hours ago
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Thank you for your comment. If I am not totally wrong, you can edit your replies in the forum, but there is a time limit for that. After 30 mins the reply was created this is locked. If you would prefer this to be increased or disabled, then this can be done.

I don't know guys. What do you think about editing lock? I am thinking to apply that to the first posts as well, but only for the forum topics. This will help to not change the content of a discussion all the time. Would you prefer this to be completely removed?


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