What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

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OldFart's picture
Last seen: 1 day 2 hours ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 14:09
Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

I don't know guys. What do you think about editing lock? I am thinking to apply that to the first posts as well, but only for the forum topics. This will help to not change the content of a discussion all the time. Would you prefer this to be completely removed?

If time has proven such an editing lock would improve quality and usefullness of this forum, then by all means apply it, otherwise, don't! Authors should be sufficiently well-educated to stick to their postings or not post anything at all. I see many a forum discussion/thread derail a.t.m. Too many for me to feel the need to contribute to such a thread anyway, regardless if I had something interesting to add.
Keep threads civil and stick to you posting or don't post at all.

Just *my* opinion, for which I hope it doesn't offend you..


Ok guys (M/F), I'm off back into lurking mode

Sbaitso's picture
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Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

I don't think any kind of lock is necessary. If the original poster asks a question and no one here has an answer, the original poster may wish to edit the original post to include a solution they find at a later date to assist anyone else who has the same issue. While this wouldn't be a problem with short threads, it could save a lot of time if a thread were to go on for several pages.

Sbaitso's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2019-06-09 18:15
Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

I didn't spot a change on the front page before I posted this.

This does bring up a suggestion. Can an option to delete posts be added? I would be using it right now. :)

admin's picture
Last seen: 4 days 3 hours ago
Joined: 2009-03-27 15:07
Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

Today removed the edit limits. Now every post and comment should be able to be edited, no matter how much time passed since it was created. Please inform me if you have any issues with that.

broadblues's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 days ago
Joined: 2012-05-02 21:48
Re: What we can do to make OS4Coding even better?

That's great news I've always found those edit locks really annoying!

Typos :-)


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