Are there third libs needed?

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walkero's picture
Last seen: 4 days 3 hours ago
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Are there third libs needed?

Are there third party libraries mostly needed for SDL and SDL2 development that in most situations are needed and these are not included in SDKs?

As I am creating cross development environments based on docker, that will work out of the box, I wonder if there is a need to include more libs in the installed SDKs.

You can see the one that I build and uses GCC 8.4.0 at
Using thhis is possible to build odyssey, as well as other projects.

For now it includes AmigaOS 4 SDK, MUI 5.x dev, AmiSSL SDK, SDL & SDL2 SDKs, and I intend to add GL4ES SDK as well. And as soon as Amigakit releases the Enhancer Core Package, I will try to include them as well.

Are there other packages that you would like to see included?

kas1e's picture
Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 15:30
Re: Are there third libs needed?


Are there third party libraries mostly needed for SDL and SDL2 development that in most situations are needed and these are not included in SDKs?

Yes, and quite a lot.

SDL1 and SDL2 most of time , as minimumum, use SDLmixer, SDLimage, SDLttf, SDLgfx, SDLsound and so on. And all of them, in turn needs their own set of links libs. For example SDLMixer needs libflac,libmp3,libmpeg,libogg,libvorbis, libmikmod and some others. SDLgfx will be in needs of libpng,libjpg and something else. SDLttf will be in needs of truetype and freetype libs. And take in account that SDL link libs are different for SDL1 and SDL2.

hypex's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-09-09 16:20
Re: Are there third libs needed?

There used to be a sdllibs command telling you what libs you needed. But it doesn't work on my CLI now. Still there is sdl-config just for config scripts. The sdllibs would be from below but likely obsolete.

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