2022-10-28 16:01
- A Complete Guide to Standard C++ Algorithms - Šimon Tóth (PDF, LaTeX) (:construction: in process)
- C++ Annotations - Frank B. Brokken (HTML, PDF)
- C++ Core Guidelines -
Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter - C++ For Programmers - JT Kalnay (PDF)
- C++ GUI Programming With Qt 3 - Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield (PDF)
- C++ Language
- C++ Notes for Professionals - Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation (PDF)
- C++ Programming - Panic, et al.
- C++ Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
- C++ Tricks
- CS106X Programming Abstractions in C++
- Elements of Programming - Alexander Stepanov, Paul McJones (PDF)
- Essential C++ - Krzysztof Kowalczyk, StackOverflow Contributors
- Financial Numerical Recipes in C++ - Bernt Arne Ødegaard (PDF)
- Fundamentals of C++ Programming - Richard L. Halterman (PDF) (:card_file_box: archived)
- Game Programming Patterns
- Google's C++ Style Guide
- Hands-On System Programming with C++ - Dr. Rian Quinn (Packt account required)
- How to make an Operating System - Samy Pesse
- How To Think Like a Computer Scientist: C++ Version - Allen B. Downey
- Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4 - Alan Ezust, Paul Ezust (PDF)
- Joint Strike Fighter, C++ Coding Standards - Bjarne Stroustrup (PDF)
- LearnCpp.com (HTML)
- Learning C++ eBook - Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation (PDF)
- Matters Computational: Ideas, Algorithms, Source Code - Jorg Arndt (PDF)
- More C++ Idioms - Sumant Tambe, et al. (WikiBooks)
- Open Data Structures (In C++) - Pat Morin (PDF)
- Programming Fundamentals - A Modular Structured Approach using C++ - Kenneth Leroy Busbee (PDF)
- Software Design Using C++ - Br. David Carlson, Br. Isidore Minerd
- Software optimization resources - Agner Fog
- The Boost C++ libraries - Boris Schäling (HTML)
- The Rook's Guide to C++ - Jeremy Hansen (PDF)
- The Ultimate Question of Programming, Refactoring, and Everything
- Think C++: How To Think Like a Computer Scientist - Allen B. Downey (PDF)
- Thinking in C++, Second Edition, Vol. 1. - Bruce Eckel (Vol. 2)
- Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++, 2021 Revision - Thomas Köppe (PDF) (:construction: in process)