A small problem when running an ARexx scipt

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OldFart's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 36 min ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 14:09
A small problem when running an ARexx scipt


In my User-Startup i have this line:
C:Rx SYS:S/ARexx/AddMenu.rexx
It functions very well, but at the end I am greeted with a message that the process of running that script 'has not yet returned' thereby blocking furthert execution of the boot-sequence.

My little question:
How can I supress that message and have the boot-sequence to complete?


msteed's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
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Re: A small problem when running an ARexx scipt


AddMenu.rexx needs to talk to the Workbench's ARexx port to do its magic, but Workbench isn't normally loaded until after User-Startup returns. I don't know why you get a 'has not yet returned' error. When I tried it AddMenu.rexx just gave up without doing anything; I didn't get any errors, but I didn't get any added menus, either.

A better place to run AddMenus.rexx is WBStartup; that way Workbench is up and running before you try to talk to it. I added it with the WBStartup Preferences program and have never had any problems with it.

hypex's picture
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Re: A small problem when running an ARexx scipt

From a script the usual way to do this is to prepend it with a: Run >NIL:
Run >NIL: C:Rx SYS:S/ARexx/AddMenu.rexx

OldFart's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 36 min ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 14:09
Re: A small problem when running an ARexx scipt


From a script the usual way to do this is to prepend it with a: Run >NIL:
Run >NIL: C:Rx SYS:S/ARexx/AddMenu.rexx

Tried, but no difference. Thanks.


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