VA library how to use ?

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VA library how to use ?


How shoud I use Enhancer software's VA library together with avcodec2 library ? I was following the examples. Do I really need to create 4 different buffers ? I noticed avcodec library supports VAAPI. AVCodecContext has hwaccel_context which seems to be null so I'll have to alloc memory for it by myself and use it as struct vaapi_context. But which function should I call that avcodec would fill up that struct vaapi_context (some of the fields have to be filled by the user and some of them should be filled by avcodec). Also vaapi_context has slice params and slice data fields but not picture params or iq matrix. Where should I find those two from ?

Trying to decode some video I usually get ring 3 being busy and GPU being busy messages when calling vaPutSurface. Or vaRenderPicture fails with some settings.

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Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-12-09 22:04
Re: VA library how to use ?

Using hardware video decoding with avcodec v2 is very obscure. For DVPlayer I had to figure it out from the info in this link, and by analysing the avcodec v2 source-code.

You basically need to set a custom get_format hook that will check if the format can be hardware accelerated, and set up the hwaccel codec context field. The get_format hook also needs to check if hwaccel was already set, because avcodec may call it again later. If everything is set up correctly, then when a frame has been decoded, you can use vaPutSurface() with videoContext-:hwaccel_context to draw the frame.

One other really weird thing, is that the VASurface is in AVFrame->buff[3]. This is hard-coded, and there's no API call to get it in a friendly way.

I never did finish my own code to use it, so I don't have a working example. Contact me via email, and I can send you the code that I have.

The latest avcodec API is easier to use, but we don't have that yet...


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TSK's picture
Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 2011-06-28 02:06
Re: VA library how to use ?


Now I'm at that point when trying to create the surface it gives an error: "Failed to create VAAPI surface: 3 (invalid VADisplay)".

If I'll try to use vaDisplay directly instead of the one in hwaccel structure when creating the surface it complains: "Failed to create VAAPI surface: 14 (the requested RT Format is not supported)."

Hans's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-12-09 22:04
Re: VA library how to use ?

@TSK I suggest you look at the MPEG decoding example in the VALib SDK. It's been a while since I worked on it, and I can't remember the details.

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