So anyone got any serious experience with using Emperor the GUI builder tool?
1. I can't get my head around the horizontal and vertical layout structure.
This isn't helped by the fact that the objects aren't being resized correctly anyway (broken), see image below taken after following Example 2 in the Guide. Nothing like it should look like.
2. You can't move a whole branch of gadgets you have to move them individual which is impractical.
3. The preview button.. why not a preview window that updates as you manipulate the structure?
4. Impossible to click through Tabs in the preview window, making the experience of visualing the interface next-to impossible due to all of the above.
5. I can't get Emperor off the public screen and toggling the options results in opening Windows at complete random on the public screen or the Workbench!
Looks a really powerful little application, but atm I cannot recommend it to anyone it has some serious flaws and short-comings - especially under 4.1 update 2.
Roll on AVD!
Forgot to post an image earlier:

Click here for image
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Jack for AmigaOS
Samba Idiot's Guide
If you consider the time it takes to fiddle with unstable builders, making the GUI using ReAction macros is faster and gives you better control.
AmigaOne X5000-020 / 2GB RAM / Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 560 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2
Well not a lot for me to go on there Trixie. I just did a google search for 'reaction macros amiga' and an application called MindGui was mentioned. Is that what you meant? I'll have to check it out when I get home from work.
AmigaOS.net - Discover Amiga, Discover AmigaOS.net
Jack for AmigaOS
Samba Idiot's Guide
No, no. ReAction macros are part of the OS4 SDK, see SDK:Include/include_h/reaction/reaction_macros.h. They are just a couple of handy #define's that wrap the NewObject() calls into something more readable. See the ReAction examples in SDK:Examples/ReAction how GUIs are created using the macros.
AmigaOne X5000-020 / 2GB RAM / Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 560 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2
Great nice one!
AmigaOS.net - Discover Amiga, Discover AmigaOS.net
Jack for AmigaOS
Samba Idiot's Guide